
Inspiration Post by Kami

Today I have a little inspirational post from Kami of Kamika Kraftz, one of my lovely sponsors.  Im sure this is one that alot of us could gain some insight from.

Hi everyone, I am super excited to be sponsoring Violet bella this month! I love LOVE this beautiful blog and find it to be very inspiring and uplifting. On that note I wanted to share with you all a post I once wrote when I was going through a very difficult/emotional time of my life. Just the simple act of writing this post helped get me through a really tough time, and served as a reminder of what I wanted to do, and who I wanted to become. I do hope you enjoy it, and that it can help you all discover your own personal “soundtrack”. Xoxo

It is said that if you can change your thoughts you can change your life...or something like that. Many of us, myself included, walk through life with a broken record playing in the background. I don’t know about you but I could use a better soundtrack!  It has been proven that negative thought patterns not only effect our bodies but also weave deep, complicated, and negative thought pathways into our brains....making it hard to "get out of a funk". Our brains literally become hardwired to expect, almost look for, the worst. But by simply thinking something different, and believing it to be true, wanting it to be true, you can re-boot the stubborn hard drive that is your brain. Are you ready to give it a try? I know I am!

The secret is, its really quite simple…it’s all about positive affirmations!  But honestly, not many of us can keep a straight face while they look in the mirror and tell themselves how freaking awesome they are, unless your Barney Stintson.

Just the word affirmations is bound to bring something like this to mind.
Yet as much as we make fun of affirmations, there is something to be said for the power of words. If you have ever been bullied you will know this to be true. If you call someone stupid for long enough, the sad fact is that eventually… they will start to believe it. So what if we take back that power and flip it on its head? What if we got over the giggles and silly feelings and told ourselves every morning how much we love ourselves? How awesome we were? After all Masaru Emoto proved that words effect water....simple water crystals can be affected by the power of words!

Considering that well over 50% of our bodies are comprised of water, it kind of makes you think twice about the "fat talk" eh? Imagine how all of that negativity, all of that self loathing affects the very molecules of our being?

I don’t always have the healthiest "script", and it’s been on repeat since I was 16 years old. SCREEEEEEEEECH! It's time to yank that needle of the record and play a new track! How's about something like this?

What will your new soundtrack be? How can you re-write your script?


Thank you Kami!  And all of my lovely readers, dont forget Kami is offering up a 20% discount in her shop by using the code 'VIOLETBELLA'.  And check out her blog here.



  1. Beautiful! So true!!


  2. This is a terrific post. Really has made me think about curbing those self-detrimental thoughts. ;)

  3. Kami, I love, love, love the idea of a positive soundtrack! The timing is perfect as I'm starting some new things today and I am going to replace my "broken record" thinking with some new theme music. Great post; we can all use a little inspiration sometimes. Debbie http://thriftygirlvintage.blogspot.com

  4. Thank you for this post! There are some big changes coming up fast in my life and this is just the sort of thing I need to remind myself of :)
    As always, I love visiting this blog and sharing it with others. Keep it up!!


  5. Thanks for the opportunity to guest blog for you today! I am glad you all have enjoyed it so far and reading this again for me personally was very motivating. I have to go in for a c-section on Tuesday due to complications. I have been very sad and emotional since learning this....but its time once again for me to change my soundtrack! Im going to listen to that last song there full tilt while I wake up this morning! Laura darling you couldnt have put my post up on a better day. I kicked my own ass into gear with it lol!

  6. I read a book on that water experiment. Very enlightening. Forgot all about it until now. Thanks for the reminder.


Thank you so much for your sweet comments!