If you dont know already, Im a bit in loveeee with instagram. Its quite ridiculous at times, but it just makes tiny little moments of my day so dreamy looking, and keeps them all in one nice place. Pretty much my favorite social network to date. Probably b/c my brain sees things in pictures, so its just natural for me. These are some from this past month. Follow along on instragram: lauramazurek.
P.S. I get asked alot what filters I use, and I have decided on this one to just not answer anymore. I have a certain look that I use for most of my images, and there have been many times after telling someone where their photo stream ends up looking just like mine. Im kind of working on the issue of people on the internet molding themselves into others. I see it on a daily basis these days. I want people to explore and think for themselves, and ultimately become themselves, not just be like somebody else. I know that seems a little extreme for just a photo app, but its those little things that begin this process. I dont mean this to come off as rude at all.. for now its just a thought Ive had lately. Does anyone else feel this way about the online community at times? Do you see people blurring the lines of being their authentic selves verses becoming just like someone else? Ive sort of always noticed it in the blogging community, but much more so these days... And maybe its all just a part of people finding themselves... I go back and forth in my mind about it not being that big of a deal at all, to it feeling slightly intrusive, I guess. Just thoughts... nothing more.
*below are a few more words Id like to add after posting this two days ago*
Knowing that posting this was potentially going to stir up some conflict, which is one thing I hate to do, Im still glad I faced my fear of speaking about it and did anyways. That being said, some of the comments have really made me think twice about it, and has helped my perspective a bit. So thank you. Just like everyone else, I have some learning and growing to do in all areas of my life, and this is definitely one of them. Its something I have dealt with many times before, and the feelings keep cropping up, and sometimes I just feel like I need to let it out. This post above was definitely not just, or even really, about the photo app itself. I should of thought twice about using that as a starting point for this thought of mine. Its more about seeing people online molding themselves into someone else, and I guess this was just one more little way. There are times when it seems like each step you make, there is someone two steps behind you doing the same things... and at times it can start to feel a bit invasive. That is all. I dont mean to be taking anything away from the designers of the apps, I never even thought about that. This is a subject I will definitely ponder more on, in my own time. Thank you for helping me to see things in a new light. Sometimes that is all we need. If anything came out of this post, besides having some people think Im not the greatest, is a moment of personal growth.

i dont blame you and i dont think its rude. some people like to earn new techniques and see if they can replicate the feel that your photos have. immitation is the highest form of flattery and all, but trying to replicate is different than copying your entire style!!! you have been burned in the past by those blasted copy cats. its your signature look and your look and i can appreciate that. your photos are always beautiful and dreamy!! love them!
ReplyDeleteVery inspiring photos! Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeletei know just what you mean, darlin. sometimes it's such a hard road being an artist and a creative. i value individuality right alongside things like freedom, compassion, wildness, and love. it is *that important*. as a writer, i notice my themes showing up in so many places and sometimes it makes me a little despondent inside and i try to tell myself that i'm happy i inspired someone. i know that in some ways i've run off of inspiration i've gotten from others, like clarissa pinkola estes for example. but where do you draw the line? there are people who try to copy my "style", too, to the point that it's gotten quite ridiculous in the past. that really bothers me and i want to say, don't try to be me, go be yourself! but i also know that its meant as a compliment so then i feel mean for thinking that way. there have been times i've been lost and appreciated so much when someone has extended a hand and shown me the way. haha, i guess i have a lot of feeling on this topic! i am fierce about individuality. intrusive is a good word. i think you are right about your decision (i see how many times you get asked! lol.) maybe i will write an artist series about individuality. i know many artists and others who might want to weigh in!
ReplyDeleteoh love, i know how you know of this too. its such a hard subject for me, b/c i am the type of person that wants everyone to feel free to share and bare their soul... and as artist. i have learned that there will always be individuals like that, and most likely they dont even realized they do it.. but there are times i just cant look the other way anymore. its a strange strange feeling. im right along with you with so many mixed emotions... xo
DeleteThat's like asking Picasso what brand of oil paint he liked to use to create his art and Picasso telling you that he won't. Unfortunately, your technological choice in art form leaves you vulnerable to people wanting to emulate it because it's put out there for all to see. Just because they do, doesn't mean that they will be able to capture the moment in the same way that you do. Every artist's eye is different and unique. If I tried to replicate a Picasso painting, it would look similar, but it wouldn't be IT because I'm not him. Life imitates art, life imitates life. We are all the same when it all boils down to it. Your purpose in blogging everyday is to inspire people to create and to be in it together, right?
ReplyDeleteoh i totally see your point here. and really, the photo app thing is just a tiny little thing i personally have decided to walk away from answering, only b/c ive seen it happen over and over again. in the big picture its not a big deal at all, its just a small personal choice i have made to step back from. the need to always answer these kinds of questions. i have always had this same view point as an artist. we all use the same materials and work it in our own way. this is not about that at all. this is about how some people on the internet tend to follow your every move, and then emulate. im not saying everyone does it, but some do. there are times when it begins to feel a bit intrusive. ive had several conversations with several friends on this subject who have the same feelings. i know im not in this alone. and it might be silly for me to express it through a photo app for sure... i really dont care if people use the same photo apps as me all the time, that really wasn't the point... it was just a starting point for me to share this feeling.
Deletethank you for expressing your opinion on it! i know we all see this different, just like everything else. my purpose in blogging is not just to inspire others, if that happens, i think that is wonderful... i knew this post would not be liked by some. i even hesitated sharing it b/c of that. but in the end, that is something i also need to walk away from, the feeling that I cant express any opinions that might not be of popular belief, or looked at by everyone as the nice thing to say. I am so only human, with the need like everyone else to have these thoughts, along with all of my other thoughts. I guess this was me being brave for a moment, even if its looked at downwardly by others...
Why don't I follow you on instagram yet?
ReplyDeleteProblem solved! (@seekingstyle)
xo Jennifer
Your photos are always so dreamy and inspiring thank you for sharing them!! And you make completely valid points, this can be such a touchy subject, but as you said, you are human and need to express your concerns as well. Thank you for being brave and sharing this. I honestly do not know how I would react because I have not experienced this sort of thing, but I can see how it can feel intrusive and uneasy.
ReplyDeleteIt is a journey to finding your own niche and voice , especially out on the internet, how can one set themselves apart and be completely authentic and giving proper credit when it is due? It's fine balance and complex answer, but maybe because you are so grounded in who you are and your art, people are drawn to you, and in the end, you are helping them find their voice. Maybe there is solace in that.
Thank you for being YOU <3
thank you marissa, well said. its definitely a subject i go back and forth about how i feel. b/c its one that has so many varying levels of from different people, you know?
Deletethank you for your words, this helps me alot. <3
Your images are so beautiful and fun!! Thanks for sharing!!
ReplyDeleteI completely understand your stance on this. Personally I don't have access to Instagram (which is sad!) but from what I understand there are a limited amount of filters. So I'm sure people can figure it out on their own if they're that inspired by your work. I think the key thing is, that some people 'emulate' a style because they wish to learn from it, and others 'copy' a style because they don't feel the need to develop their own. I hope that makes sense! I've been studying photography now for almost 8 years and as part of that process I've definitely tried to 'recreate' other artists styles. This doesn't really stem from a desire to be exactly like them though, I just find that I can learn a lot by pushing myself artistically by trying a new style.
ReplyDeleteI think I would find it really uncomfortable if I found myself in the same situation as you. Its almost like a tiny piece of my soul goes into all my creative work and I'm not sure how I'd feel about someone else disregarding that. Thankyou for sharing this piece! I've been reading your blog for ages but I hardly ever comment!
Love me a good insta-post! What app for your photos do you use?
I can understand where you're coming from, but you didn't design whatever app you're using for your photos. You might not want people to copy you, but as an app developer, I'd be really irritated that you're enjoying the app but won't tell other people about it. If you find something cool, share it. People don't necessarily want to rip you off just because they see you found something cool and want to use it too. Save them the search, and the app developers will appreciate you, too. No need to keep it to yourself.
ReplyDeleteIt's a little like if I bought something from your Etsy, but didn't want to tell anyone where I got it. Because I didn't want them to copy my style.
Deletei definitely see your point here, and didnt think about the app this way, so thank you! and again, its not really about the app... its about so much more. i probably shouldnt of used a silly app to explain my feelings.
Deleteit takes a serious lack of confidence in one's ability to not share the tools you use. (i don't have instagram, i just find this such a ridiculous post, i felt the need to comment) between this post + the 1000s of self absorbent pictures you take of yourself and call it a lookbook, i do believe i'll be unfollowing.
ReplyDeletePlease do unfollow.
DeleteI love your pictures, I love your style - both you and Katelyn. For me - I worry about people thinking I am actually molding myself to be more like them, but it's quite the contrary. Connecting (through social media ie blogs, instagram, FB, tribes, etc) allows me to actually be more comfortable and open with who I've always been. It may appear to outsiders that I'm conforming to another's style when in reality I'm opening up and exposing what I've always loved but been afraid to express.
DeleteI hope that makes sense. It's odd because I while I'm exposing myself, I feel some set back in the fear of being judged a copycat. Keep on with your light and passion - I, for one, love it!
I agree with your first two commentst, Anonymous. And Laura explained how she agreed, as well, and even thanked you for the insight. And for you to take the time, on her blog (where she makes it clear that this is her space to share herself with others) shows a lack of compassion and tactfulness on your part. And plus, I think she is allowed to post self-absorbent photos on her own blog (even though they are for promoting her, and other people's, artwork and boutiques). I wasn't going to comment and further this ridiculous situation, but then I remembered being harassed for the opinions I shared on my own website, and wanted to encourage Laura that this is HER space, and those who oppose can leave quietly. There is NEVER any reason to spread unhealthiness on a website such as this.
ReplyDeleteTake care,
Those look like two different people posting anonymously, if you ask me.
DeleteAh, you're probably right.
DeleteYou are beautiful and wonderful and I never tire of seeing your amazing photos, awesome creativity, and gorgeous face!:) Onward and upward, sweet Laura!
ReplyDeleteLove Stamp on this topic Laura, my hats off to you on this one. I have seen it happening more, and more lately. It is a shame really, that we as artists work so hard to be unique and one of a kind, for someone to come around and just "use it." Unfortunately there will always be "those" people out there, we just have to stay true to ourselves, and keep on creating despite there attempts....truth always comes to light <3
ReplyDeleteWow, this sure seems to have stirred up a lot. I think I appreciate where everyone is coming from, and it's great to consider all of the different perspectives, but...at the end of the day, your art is your art and you need to make whatever decisions you feel you need to make. Everyone isn't going to love everything you do, but the important thing is that YOU can sleep at night knowing that YOU did whatever YOU felt was the right thing to do. When in doubt, follow the golden rule.
ReplyDelete<3 <3 <3
It's okay to air it out. I have been reading your blog since and I am so happy you inspire people. Though, they get inspired by you in different ways, maybe some would really copy what you are into because simply, you have a different taste in style. Sucks big time thought because some people do more the "copying" rather than making their own. This is the best age so far to create things with the online help to show them to everyone. Too bad the wannabes don't credit your for the ideas you have made before others did.
ReplyDeleteI would really say how artistic, creative and amazing you are. So, maybe, think of the possie side. :)