

If you haven't noticed yet, I'm kind of an addict to instagram.  Yikes!  I grouped a bunch of sets together from the past few weeks.
S C R E E N   S H O T S
1. typography  //  2. tunnel vision  //  3. outfit post  //  4. james sawing

D A Y   I N   B E D
1. snuggling  //  2. maca cacao shake  //  3. day in bed  //  4. chris isaak

Y U M M Y   E A T S
1. tomatoes + broccoli  //  2. pasta  //  3. pesto pasta  //  4. yummy lunch

G I F T S   F R O M   S W E E T   S O U L S
1. from spiral drift  //  2. from squam workshops  //  3. from abbe  //  4. from sun and glory

M Y   F U R R I E S
1. violet chowing on a grubworm  //  2. bella helping me work //  3. bella lounging  //  4. violet loving

H A M M O C K   T I M E
1. bella chillin in the hammock  //  2. me in hammock  //  3. me in hammock  //  4. reading in hammock

F A M I L Y   T I M E
1. me and my nanna  //  2. ditto  //  3. james with amber  //  4. amber my nannas pup

S T Y L E   L O V E
1. bcfootwear boots  //  2. outfit love  //  3. neil young tee  //  4. blowfish moccs

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  1. Love these! Instagram is very very addicting!! Love the Neil Diamond shirt!

  2. I love your boots! And Yay veggie food! I can;t wait I am vegetarian from tommorow! I haven't been allowed until now!


  3. What great photos! Violet is adorable!

  4. Love the 'gifts from sweet souls' photos.
    Hopefully I'll be getting an iphone soon and the first app I'll be downloading is Instagram! So excited!



  5. I love all the pictures! How do you get those really cool color effects? :) What app do you use?

  6. These are gorgeous photos, and I love your subject matter and style. It makes me want coffee even more than usual. ;) Your grandmother is beautiful!

  7. Love Chis Isaak. Recently saw a great concert of his on PBS.


Thank you so much for your sweet comments!