My new Singer typewriter came in this weekend! I couldnt be happier with how cute it is. Now I just need to buy a new ribbon for it! Katelyn got one too and we are going to write letters with them!
I didnt have a space for it, and my work corner desperately needed a makeover, so I buckled down the afternoon and got it done! There used to be a big yellow shelf where the typewriter is, full of mailers and such for my shipping. And the big black shelf was our china shelf. Well, we dont really use our china, or our wine glasses, so I packed it all up and made my china shelf my mailing shelf, but in a cuter way! Much more practical for me. And I drug this old drawer shelf out of my closet and decided to use it again. It is still a bit cluttered, but for those of you who havent been to my house, it is pretty small.

I got this sweet bird embroidery from In My Nest on etsy. It is the sweetest embroidery I have ever laid eyes on. So happy to have it in my home.

My china shelf turned mailing shelf!

I got a super rad package from my friend Katelyn yesterday. Look at the silly drawing on the back of the package, he he.

Check out all of this stuff! I ordered that amazing print from her shop. And along with it, she sent me a wooden fertility goddess, ha ha (with a note telling me to go get it on, lol), a set of handmade paper with peacock feathers printed on it (this was a project she had in the works for sometime, it was a project she created of making handmade papers inspired by certain people, and I was one of them!), a hoop sticker, my invoice origami-style and a sweet note. Love it all!

And my dad came over this afternoon and brought Noogs, his teacup chihuahua... a.k.a. my little brother. He is getting so old. It was so nice to see him though.

Ha, and this is an old pic of me, well, I guess last season, when I first got my glasses I think. I randomly saw it while saving files and it made me miss cold whether so much... it is so flippin hot here in texas its not even funny, at all. especially when your car has no a.c. At least I found some old Neil Young tapes at a garage sale last week, that is what keeps me sane while driving. And now I have his 'Decade' album on cd, vinyl and tape! woo hoo!

so so so SO pretty. i love your interior decorating style. come decorate my house?! ;)
ReplyDeleteI love the typewriter! I when I was little I remember typing on one, I thought it was coolest thing (it still is!).
ReplyDeleteI understand the no A.C. This has been one of the hottest, humid summers for Maine. I have to drive an hour to work, if I didn't have my 60's, 70's play list to listen to, I would probably be pretty cranky.
Danielle, he, thanks! i wish i could, i love decorating :)
ReplyDeletePlantgeek, (i love your screen name), so glad im not the only one! hot cars and 70s music, ha ha...
I'm in love with your typewriter, what a fabulous color!!! Your home looks so cozy and inviting, just what I'd expect from you! The little embroidery looks wonderful next to the typewriter, I'm so glad you found it a good home! Thanks for the trade btw, I get a compliment every time I wear my gorgeous necklace ;-) Robin
ReplyDeleteNoogs is amazingly cute! What does he weigh, like 1 pound?
ReplyDeleteRobin, thank you so much! Im so glad you like your necklace! wonderful trade :)
ReplyDeleteICantPayMyFines, (funny name, cute) and ha ha, he is 2.5 pounds i think, ridiculous huh? i love my noogs!
I adore your typewriter! So cute. I also adore your little brother. He's a cutie!