I just want to say thank you for all the sweet comments left on my blog yesterday, and always. I have the sweetest readers in the world, and have made some of the best friends among you. Sincerely, thank you.
And a warm hello to all of the newest people dipping a piece of their minds and day into my little blog. It truly makes me happy to know that for one moment I might inspire another person in some way. And from many of my comments, it seems I have done so. I do not think I could call myself an artist if I were not able to inspire someone in some way, even if that be an emotion. So thank you for taking time out of your day to join me!

And after yesterday, anything should be brighter and happier today. Gosh that was not my day! I still feel a bit in it, but I am mustering up anything Ive got to change my perspective today, b/c really that is all I can do. Most change in our lives starts with changing our perspective or attitude, its really that simple. Just hard to execute sometimes :)
I posted this photo for this entry because my husband James, has been my rock. No matter how I am feeling, he has been there for me. I truly appreciate who he is as a person. Most people dont understand him at all, ha ha, but if you ever take the time to really get to know him, he is very intelligent, thoughtful, giving and real. About as real as it gets. He doesnt take time in his life for bullshit. And beyond any of this, he really is the most handsome guy I know.
Anyway, here is to a better day! Time to get this show on the road :)
I hope that you are having a lovely day! Always remember that you are amazing! Great photo, I love simplicity of it!
I absolutely love your blog. Every time I see it I feel inspired to take more beautiful photos. Glad you are here on the blogosphere!