
Searching for a home

I can hardly contain my excitement today.  We have our first ever appointment set up to look at a house for sale!  We have been driving by homes for sale and practically stalking for months now.  I decided to take the leap from stalker, to serious home viewer!  Ive been so back and forth on this decision.  There are pros and cons to any and every choice to be made.

First off, I absolutely adore my rent house I am in, and the rent is unbeatable.  Ive been here for 8+ years and have always loved it.  But with a growing business, and now actually two business with james shirts, we are outgrowing this house.  And we have been talking more and more about babies in the future... So we would like to sort of have the house move out of the way before that time comes.  Id rather not leave it for last minute and then feel frantic about it.  I dream everyday of having a bigger space to create in, a space I can allow to be messy if I want.  Right now every creative space I work in is tucked in a corner, behind a couch, or where our 'dining room' is suppose to be, so we eat at the couch.  I dont really mind these thing even, I just daydream about how relieving it would be to actually have room to really go crazy and create.

So, that is what has sparked this motivation in my heart for a new home, one we can call our own, grow in, and raise a family in.

For the most part, James and I have alot in agreeance as to what we are looking for.  We love the convenience of having our house right here in town, but would like a bit more land, or at least a nice fenced yard for Violet to run around in, one big enough to grow a garden and hula hoop in.  And preferably one where the neighbor is not right there everytime you turn around.  I grew up in the woods, and james grew up next to cliffs, so we both love the idea of having places like that for our kids to scout around, but then my nanna reminded me yesterday, that we can always take them to their grandparents house and let them do that there!  So that rests my heart a little bit, b/c its true!  We also love having friends over for bbq's in the summer, so we would love something that is condusive for that.

The hardest part has been, everything I fall in love with, is just out of our price range.  So Im learning to settle my heart for something that maybe isnt the cutest or best, but something I can fix up and make my own.  

So, I have given it up to God.  To open my heart to what shall be a good place to rest our feet and our hearts.  To something that we can love and not make ourselves crazy with trying to keep up with payments just b/c its our dream house.  I know its out there!  So now the real hunt begins... Today!

Sorry, this was long, I could go on and on about every little detail, but Ill refrain :)  4 o'clock could not get here any sooner!



  1. How exciting for you two! I hope you find the perfect home! Have a lovely weekend.


  2. Good luck with your adventure! My husband and I were actively hunting last year and decided that we didn't know enough about where we wanted to move to commit to a house... Alas we're still renters, but now when we do buy a house it will be that much better! Have fun! I'm so excited to hear about the journey!

  3. So exciting! Hope everything goes fine :)

  4. Good luck with your house hunt Laura. I know how you feel exactly about wanting to stretch out with a craft room and a big yard. We are still looking ourselves. I'll be praying that God directs you to the place he has set aside for you and your family.

  5. I love it! So happy for you guys to begin this process. Take your time and enjoy it....You're right, it IS out there....Leave it in God's hands:)
    Wishing you lots of joy today as you look at this house.....
    Love and blessings....

  6. Good luck! Just a few things to consider, make sure you're really ready for a home purchase. We bought our house 3 years ago and while we thought we wanted to buy a house it's a much bigger responsibility than we had thought. Not just the fact that you now have a mortgage, but also the fact that you will be responsible for ALL the maintenance. Anything that breaks you will have to pay to fix. We never really thought about it and now that we own a house my husband is really regretting it. I love our house but I hate that it causes him so much stress.

    Another thing, don't get discouraged if you don't find one right away! We looked at around 50 houses before we bought ours. Hang in there and DON'T SETTLE just because you want a house!

  7. That must be so exciting! The best of luck to you two!

  8. so excited for you!
    and a little jealous...but mostly excited!

  9. i'm keeping you in my prayers, love! whatever is meant to be will happen... god knows exactly where you're supposed to be and all you have to do is rest in that promise. <3

  10. oh how exciting! good luck to you both!



  12. Oh, I hope it all works out for you. My friend and her hubby just bought a town house this week. (Its actually smaller than their apartment. *gasp*) I long to own as well. A nice little place in the country, or the anti-suburbs at least, where me and my artist hunny can be creative. Even a fixer-upper would make me happy. Anything but an apartment! :)

    Good luck! <3

  13. Best of luck to you guys!! I'm in my thirties with two kids and still renting:( That is because I don't want to "settle" for something that isn't my style I suppose or be tied to a mortgage. I know so many folks in that dilemma. I like quirky old houses. I also like knowing we can leave everything and move back into the rv if we need to.

    Definitely pros and cons to both!

  14. Laura, you said something so true when you said you can take any place and make it your own. I really think God delights in us re-creating spaces and making them ours. You will find just the right place... and maybe it will be a bit, but even the in-between places can rock. You guys are awesome :) Can't wait to hear about your little ones someday.

  15. I have been using one called AVIDA LAND(www.avidaland.com). I am using this one when I search real estates online.

    Paula M


Thank you so much for your sweet comments!